Avoiding or in the void?

I’ve been in such a curious place. I thought it may be just avoidance, but perhaps it’s better explained by being in the void.

It’s a place of deep surrender.

A place to embrace the unknown.

To accept what is and what you seem to have no control over.

Life is cyclical – just like the seasons – and part of that cycle includes being in the void.

It’s not something to resist or be afraid of – on the contrary. Embrace it. 

This is the place where we can go deep.

Perhaps it’s a place to prepare for what’s ahead. To do your homework. To get ready.

Perhaps it’s a place to reflect on the past and learn from your experiences.

Perhaps it’s a place to do nothing and just be.

I’m still learning to embrace this space and to not judge it. 

It’s beautiful. It’s still.

It just is.