Awakening to interconnectedness

I was blessed to participate in a Limitless Field meditation this morning from India, with Sri Krishnaji and Sri Preethaji, with our attention being awakening to interconnectedness.

At the beginning of his teaching, Sri Krishnaji reminded us that, “To be alive on Earth at this time, means we have a very significant role to play. We have the opportunity to give a course correction to the 200,000 years of mistakes our ancestors have committed towards Mother Earth, towards the future generations and themselves.”

Beautifully said.

It is indeed a time of great opportunity and great responsibility. It is also a time of urgency as the human race heads towards self destruction – hurting each other and our beautiful planet.

The time to awaken is now. The time to lead with love is now.

The sooner we each awaken to the Truth that we are all One and all connected, the sooner we will shift towards loving every being – all races, all colours, all genders, all sexualities – without exception, and loving our beautiful Mother Earth.

It begins with treating our bodies, our loved ones, each person we meet and all of Mother Nature with kindness, love, appreciation and respect. Giving thanks to Source, the Divine, for all that we have been given – including the precious gift of life and the opportunity to be here at this time, to serve and to awaken.

We are all One.

Hamsa Soham Ekam xo