Change things up

It’s so easy to stay in a routine and enjoy the coziness of our comfort zone – especially during these past 8 months while activities have been limited.

But that can also be too easy. 

Shaking things up can be quite refreshing and a welcome change.

Today I did things differently, I went for a 2 hour walk in Victoria Park and spent time this evening with some old friends, bottling wine, having lots of laughs, enjoying some beautiful food and of course we got to enjoy some delicious wine. It was exactly what I needed. 

I appreciated the change of scenery on my walk and that I was able to see so many humans and all of the new development in the downtown core. Grateful to see businesses moving forward.

This evening it was so wonderful to be around people with such big hearts who think deeply and love fully. I didn’t realize how much I missed that, how much I love to laugh and enjoy time with friends.