Clutter as an effect

Your clutter – whether that’s the stuff you’re not willing to let go of in your home or your body clutter disguised as excess weight you’re not ready to release – is an outward expression of what’s going on internally.

I’ve experienced both.

The great thing about clutter is that you can’t hide it – everyone can see it – so there’s no denying it, eventually you’re going to have to deal with it.

The challenging thing about clutter is that you can’t hide it, lol, so you may not be ready to address the obvious, but the world is watching – and judging – and will call you on your bs excuses.

Being a walking billboard is a great forcing function.

D-Day can come in the form of moving days or beach days.

Both are beautiful opportunities if you’re willing to look at the underlying causes, instead of continuing to put bandaids on your symptoms.

Or… you can choose to miss the gifts and choose to carry the weight – literally or figuratively – and continue to avoid dealing with the internal pain and missing the growth opportunity.

It always comes back to choices.

We have one life in this body, why not embrace the gifts you’re given sooner so you can get on with the sweeter things in life?