Every moment you can begin again

You don’t need to wait until January 1st or a Monday – or even for tomorrow.

Each and every moment provides you with an opportunity to choose differently and to get back up if you’ve fallen down.

It’s crazy how conditioned we are to let a calendar dictate the success of our lives.

I mess up all the time, making choices that aren’t serving me in the greater picture and in the realization of my goals or who I want to become – but my persistence drives me forward.

I dust myself off and begin again.

I choose to keep going and not let any mis-steps take me fully off course or derail me.

As long as I don’t quit – just like Zig Ziglar’s analogy of a water pump – I know that eventually I will gain enough momentum with my wins and enjoy the fruits of my labour by becoming the person I want to be.

Who says that you can only hit the reset button on January 1st? 

This is your life. You make the rules.

Keep getting back up. 

Your dreams are worth it.