Fuck Perfection
It’s painful, often paralyzing and quite frankly – it’s cost me a lot.
That loud “judgy” voice in my head that wants everything to be perfect, that expects things to be awesome out the gate – well, expects ME to be awesome out the gate.
So unrealistic. So lacking in self-compassion.
There’s this little insecure girl inside who’s afraid of being judged and who cares too damn much about what others think. She questions why anyone would read anything I would write or care about anything I have to say.
I get stuck on the hamster wheel of learning, never feeling good enough to just leap – or at least take that first step. Instead, I’ll pick up another book, listen to another podcast, take another course. That’s my comfort zone. Forever a student. Admittedly hiding. Confusing activity with accomplishment.
But at what cost? Do I want to be the same a year from now? Do I want my life and relationships to be the same?
It starts with a decision and a small step in a new direction. Despite wanting to sit down and overthink this whole idea, I know it’s more important to just get started, rip off that bandaid, and get the reps in – I can figure out the rest as we go along.
So here I am. No real plan. An imperfect first blog and an imperfect first website. But I made a decision to start and that feels both exciting and nauseating.
Thanks to my son Josh, I was able to take this baby step and take action today. (Thanks Mox, I so love and appreciate you!)
People may judge – and that’s ok. That’s their shit. I can only control me and how I choose to react or respond. This is about me growing, evolving and essentially rebirthing a new me.
I can choose to continue to let these voices keep me playing small or I can choose to step into the Truth of who I am and focus on the positive impact I want to have on the planet and all of humanity.
Either way, I’m 100% responsible for what I create, who I become and the actions I take – or don’t take – each day.
So today we begin.
Instead of resisting my inner voice, I’m going to embrace her, love her and invite her along for the journey.
It’s time. It’s my time and it’s your time.
Make a decision. Start. Today.
Shine your light. Bright.
Fuck perfection.