Let people do them

In this big, beautiful world that we live in, it’s expected that at a physical level we’re all different – and some of us more so than others.

I’m grateful to be walking a “different” path and to have beliefs that are not of the norm. 

Each of our different “flavours” – beliefs, values, appearance, knowledge, opinions, political stances, etc – add to this beautiful soup we call Earth.

We wouldn’t want to all think or be the same. Can you imagine how boring our lives would be? 

Our differences are  beautiful. Our differences make things interesting. Our differences should be celebrated.

By having differences we also have more opportunities to grow and learn – and to practice compassion. 

When we make others wrong for speaking their truth, for doing them, that’s just our ego leading the way. 

Give people the space to do them – to have their own opinions, to vote for who they want to vote for, to value what they value, to love who they love. 

It’s not always easy to do. But treat others the way you want to be treated. 

Lead with kindness. Lead with love.

And remember this: Beyond what you see in front of you we are all One. You are me and I am You.