Letting go

Everything is energy – including the physical items that you surround yourself with.

Do you love them? Do they bring you joy? If not, why are you keeping them?

I remember reading the book, “The life changing magic of tidying up” years ago when I was about to do a big move. That book was a game changer for me. I had explored feng shui and similar concepts related to the home, but this little book was the catalyst for great change.

Holding onto things had become very painful for me. It was holding me back. I was accumulating a lot of physical stuff and more importantly, a lot of stuck energy.

What was most challenging was knowing I was repeating family patterns.

Throughout my entire life this very issue has been the source of a lot of pain and drama in my family – being attached to things and not being willing to let go. Desperately hanging on to what was and what never will be again.

During that big move that I mentioned, I was fortunate to have the time and space to just sit with all of my things and go through each item one at a time and make decisions based on how they made me feel and release them and bless them if I chose to give them away.

As much as I wanted to, I didn’t need to keep every single piece of paper my children ever drew on. 

Did I make some “mistakes?” Yep, you could say that. But I didn’t die. And it helps knowing that they’re out in the world blessing someone else. And I’m more free and lighter because of it.