Passing the tests

Today was a big day for me.

I passed the test.

It wasn't anything official, just a beautiful test Life provided me that I fully embraced.

It's so rewarding to be able to measure your growth and see how you're progressing - especially when it's not something so easily measured like your balance sheet.

I'm very interested in knowing how I'm growing spiritually, and the easiest way for me to check that is to be around my family. I often fail miserably.

Today's test was not family, but it served me beautifully.

I got to be in what could have been a very uncomfortable, heated, chaotic, stressful situation and instead, for me it was a joyful, exciting and fun experience.

Through all of it I radiated Love.

That's the test.

Can we love through it all?

Can we be love, radiate love and receive love, despite our circumstances?