Returning to your nest
I’m committed to discovering Truth and I am committed to my growth and evolution, such that I can be of greater service to humanity and Mother Earth.
I know everything begins with me. And with you.
Change happens when we change.
One of my “measuring sticks”of how I’m doing spiritually is visiting family – particularly my parents.
I believe I picked them specifically as my parents, and the “nest” that I was born into – to speed up my evolution.
Within that nest lies many of my gifts – what I need in this life to grow, what will help me most evolve.
I also believe that everything is happening for me – not to me – so I’m continually looking at how each situation is actually serving me.
So I keep returning to my nest, in hopes of finding answers, in hopes of connecting, in hopes that maybe I’ve grown a bit since the last time.
Truthfully, I’m often disappointed – which sucks – and yet is a lesson within itself.
What’s missing is what I’m not giving.
Am I expecting too much? Is my heart opened or closed? Do I have walls up? Am I seeing them as they were in the past, carrying forward all of the stories I have around them? Am I leaving space for presence to come in? Am I leading with my ego and making them wrong so I can be right?
I continue to return, each time with the intention that I can be and do better and that maybe this time I’ll “get” it.
What better place to put these beautiful spiritual principles that I’m learning into practice than with family?
For me it’s the most challenging place, but I persist because I love them dearly and know that this is where my “medicine” lies.
Wherever we go, there we are.
If I choose not to do the work with my family here and now, the truth is it’s going to show up elsewhere – or in another lifetime – so I choose now.