Savour the moment

It’s easy to forget that this moment is all there is – and could be all there ever will be.

Is it the last sunset you’ll see? The last hug you’ll receive? The last conversation with a loved one? The last beautiful meal shared?

Treasure the moments you have… truly savour them.

Although I believe I am an eternal being, I know that my time in this body is finite – as is true for each of my loved ones.

I especially appreciate Eckhart Tolle’s teaching to “die before you die.” It truly is a beautiful teaching that is very freeing and such a beautiful reminder that resonates with me so deeply.

With some recent passings of some beautiful souls, I feel more aware of “getting my house in order,” knowing that I wouldn’t want to leave this earth plane without having things be somewhat easier for my kids and having put some thought into the process.

Knowing how short and precious life is – or can be – has me contemplating if I’m taking certain things for granted and what I need to be doing differently, especially in my relationship with my kids, the two people who mean the most in the world to me.

I’m not ready to check out yet, but it’s a fact that we all share in common – we’re all going to die and take off these beautiful suits we’ve borrowed.

So the invitation is to die before you die – and really start living.