Speak the truth
People won’t always like it, but being honest – speaking your truth – is critical, especially in relationships.
I learned a long time ago, that no one is going to die from telling the truth. Ultimately, people can handle it.
I think I do a better job at delivering the truth now, but sometimes I’m a disaster and lack a filter. There’s definitely a finesse to it.
Some people are so sensitive that I feel like I have to walk around on egg shells. Admittedly, I’m not very good at that, however, it’s an area that I’m willing to grow in.
I think it’s because I see things differently and try not to take things so personally. I’m excited by this game called life and all of the growth opportunities along the way!
When I did take things personally, it was because I identified with the physical, not realizing that everything was happening FOR me, to serve in my awakening – that it was actually for my benefit.
I also want people to tell me the truth. I want the feedback so I can grow, so I can emerge as the best version of me.
Essentially I’m treating people the way I expect to be treated and I hold a high standard.
I would rather tell the truth than not, however, I know that the delivery matters and it would serve me well to get better at that. It’s never my intention to hurt anyone with my truth but I always want to be authentic and not compromise my values.
It’s a delicate balance.
I do know that truth served with a healthy dose of compassion, kindness and love is a recipe for success.
And remember that your intention and “come from” matters the most.