Take stock
This space that I’m in right now feels very exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
I’m torn as to which direction to go, why and what seems to be the biggest question – when.
I’ve started to take stock and do a mind dump of sorts.
On my list of “positives” and what I’ll miss, I’m reminding myself to treasure those moments more, to be even more present, to have more gratitude, to really anchor them in both visually and in the body.
On my list of “negatives” and what’s irritating me or what I wish was different, I’m looking for how it’s currently serving me, doing energetic work with it and really using each as an opportunity to grow.
I believe “where ever you go, there you are,” so if you don’t do the work on an issue both energetically and through a conscious awareness practice, it’s going to show up again and again and again – until you finally “get it” – and receive the gift that was there for you all along, which will ultimately serve you in your evolution.
There are gifts in both our “positive” and “negative” experiences and situations – although there really isn’t good or bad – it just is.