What are you not seeing?
When rushing through life we can miss what's important.
When not being present we can miss what's right in front of us.
As an example, one of the reasons I prefer to walk the trail instead of biking is that I can be more present and see so much more.
I can consciously ask myself, "What am I not seeing?" and get curious about my surroundings.
This question was taught to me by a business mentor, but can be applied in any situation to look beyond the obvious and to challenge your assumptions.
Tonight, as I hiked the trail what I wasn't seeing was a beautiful deer eating in the woods.
Spectacular. Fortunately, I saw her in time to appreciate her beauty.
It reminded me to slow down and be more present.
There is so much that we are constantly missing - that's probably hiding in plain sight - and we just have to slow down long enough, or get a different perspective or ask better questions to see it.
What can't I see?
Where can you apply this question in your life? In your business? In your relationship? To solve a challenge? To understand the current "pandemic?"
It's helped me to take off the blinders.
So what are you not seeing?