What you do matters
It may seem insignificant in this moment, but each decision you make, each action or inaction you take, matters.
It matters to your future self and it matters to the world and the ripple effect you have.
If you take stock of your life and are being really honest with yourself, you’ll see that you are the result of many (many!) small, often insignificant, mundane decisions that have all been adding up – and more importantly compounding.
Did you decide to go for a walk today or watch tv? Did you read a few pages of that business book or scroll through social media? Did you fill your mind with positive content or listen to something mind-numbing? Did you wake up and meditate or hit the snooze button? Did you eat a chocolate bar or an apple? Did you grab a beer or drink some water?
Did you choose fear or love? Truth or illusion? Did you react or respond? Did you expand or contract? Did you hold onto resentment or choose to forgive?
Each moment there’s a fork in the road and each decision really does matter – the result may not be seen or felt in this moment, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s definitely more significant than you might realize.
Your choices positively or negatively effect how you feel about yourself and your identity, they will increase or decrease your confidence, they can cause you to lose or gain momentum, they effect whether your body is acidic or alkaline, whether you positively or negatively impact another person’s day, whether you are moving towards health or dis-ease, wealth or poverty, happiness or resentment, whether Source can flow through you or not, whether you block or receive miracles, whether you positively impact the planet or hurt the planet, whether you are feeling connected or separated, whether you vibrate at a high energy level and uplift humanity or… you get the idea.
You are 100% responsible for your choices. You are 100% responsible for your life. So am I.
Are the choices you’re making lining up with your goals? Are they bringing you closer to where you want to go, who you want to be, the impact you want to have and the legacy you’re going to leave behind?
Remember that choosing not to do something is still a decision – you are choosing NOT to effectively use the time that you’ve been gifted – and essentially deciding to move backwards.
Bring consciousness to this moment and choose YOU and your dreams. Choose Love.
Make decisions that compound in your favour and have a beautiful ripple effect on those around you and the world.
What you do right now really does matter.
The time is going to pass anyway. How you choose to use it will define you.