What's missing

I keep returning to a spiritual principle that rings very true for me and yet, it’s also one that really challenges me.

What’s missing is what you’re not giving.

I highly encourage you to contemplate that deeply.

There are so many ways this principle can show up in your relationships.

Perhaps you’re not being generous or compassionate. Perhaps you’re lacking understanding or trust.

I’m starting to “get it” intellectually, but putting this principle into practice – especially with certain people in my life – can be really hard.

I feel the truth of it.

I feel the wisdom in it.

And yet, I still find myself withholding love from certain people.

These people are my greatest gifts, the ones who are teaching me to love unconditionally and to forgive fully.

This is where having a daily spiritual practice is so essential – to remind you of the Truth of your being and of why you are here.

As you look at any challenges you’re experiencing in your relationships, can you see what’s missing – and what you’re not giving? 

The opportunity is for you to go first – to start giving what’s missing.

If you’re courageous enough.