You are exactly where you're supposed to be
You’re in the family that’s perfect for you. The relationship that’s perfect for you. The job that’s perfect for you. The home that’s perfect for you. You have the friends that are perfect for you. Even your financial and health situations are perfect for you.
It’s all there to serve you, to help you wake up.
What if all perceived challenges are there to refine and polish you?
It doesn’t mean you need to stay where you are or that you shouldn’t make changes and I’m definitely not advocating maintaining mediocrity.
But it is there to serve you.
Suffering is necessary. Until it’s not.
I believe that I chose what I wanted to learn this lifetime to help me to awaken to specific aspect of my being – and that my family, the people I meet, my life situation and even the current world circumstances are all in my favour, it’s here to serve me. In fact, it’s all a perfect vibrational match for what I am here to do.
It’s a pretty empowering “come from” or perspective on life and one that takes us from being a victim to a creator.
We still have free will of course.
I can choose not to learn the lessons. I can choose to be a victim. I can choose to not do the work and go through life unconscious.
Thankfully, I am fully committed to doing the work and am grateful for all perceived challenges – both people and situations – that have helped me to be who I am today.