Your teacher's teachers

We all start somewhere, we all have teachers who got us to where we are today and many more will cross our paths in the years to come.

In the area of personal development, two classic voices and authors were Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar. Both happened to be one of my mentor’s teachers so I’ve been exploring their work to revisit their original messages.

Listening to their stories via audible has been so refreshing. Although both have transitioned, their core philosophies and messages are as true and relevant today as they were 10, 20 even 30 or more years ago.

Funny how truth doesn’t get old and it’s never out of style.

The basic principles and concepts taught are what so many of today’s leaders have built their success upon, so it’s fascinating to discover their “roots.” 

Similar to wanting to explore your family tree and have a better understanding of your family’s history and why they are the way they are – it’s pretty interesting to have the opportunity to learn about those who taught the people you are learning from today, it paints a more complete picture and can even help fill in some blanks.